昆士蘭科技大學 (QUT)、EAP課程、迎新週介紹!



Queensland University of Technology (QUT) - a university for the real world

Today I am going to introduce my wonderful university, Queensland University of Technology(QUT). Actually, I applied two universities that are QUT and UQ (University of Queensland) before I came to Australia and got two offers luckily. It is true that there are many excellent universities in Australia, however, the first reason that I applied these two universities is WEATHER. I definitely love Brisbane’s weather (and I am afraid of cold... haha). Next, I will explain why I chose QUT but not UQ and also share some experience in EAP course where many Asian people would entry before they enter in normal courses. Finally, I would like to share some interesting stories about my first orientation week in Australia!


1. 為什麼選擇QUT?1. Why QUT?

先說說許多人在意的排名概念,當然UQ的綜合排名或許更好,但QUT一樣為澳洲前十名的大學,世界排名也維持在200名內(全台灣僅台灣大學穩定維持在百名之內),而由於我就讀的為商學院,QUT的商學院更榮獲世界三大頂級教育機構的同時認可,分別為國際商學院促進協會(The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business)、歐洲質量發展系統(European Quality Improvement System)、英國工商管理碩士協會(The Association of MBAs),全世界僅百分之一的商學院同時榮獲此三項殊榮,昆士蘭科技大學的校訓更是在當地深植人心,為「a university for the real world」,原因為該校重視實際應用而非僅著重於學術理論,與企業保持良好合作,不難理解為何在QS世界大學排名「雇主愛用畢業生」項目中獲得前100名,最後,學校的學生人數約45000人,有多達6000名國際學生,在發展社交網路及國際觀上相對有很大的優勢,另外,QUT兩個主要校區「Kelvin Grove」與「Gardens Point」均在布里斯本市中心附近,工作機會相對較多,生活機能也非常便利!

First of all, although many people think that UQ’s ranking is better than QUT’s. However, QUT is also top 10 Australian university and it always maintains its world university rankings within 300! (For example, in Taiwan, only National Taiwan University is ranked within 100 stably) Secondly, I major in Business and QUT’s business school is Australia's first business school to earn all three symbols of excellence from the world's leading accrediting bodies (The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business, European Quality Improvement System, and The Association of MBAs), holding the triple crown since 2005. Less than 1% of all business schools globally have achieved triple accreditation! Thirdly, QUT is as known as “a university for the real world” because they focus on practical education and cooperate with businesses closely. Fourthly, the student number of QUT is approximately 45,000 and there are more than 5 thousand international students. It is a really good environment for students to share their different opinions or thought and build their perfect social network! Finally, QUT locates in Brisbane city, students can find many job opportunities and enjoy the convenience here.



To sum up, educational quality, practicality, internationalization, and convenience are main critical reasons for me to choose QUT!

Gardens Point Campus: 2 George St, Brisbane, QLD 4000
Kelvin Grove Campus: Cnr Musk and Victoria Park Rd, Kelvin Grove QLD 4059
Caboolture campus: Manley and Tallon St, Caboolture QLD 4510
♁入學門檻:Bachelor, IELTS 6.0-7.0;Master, IELTS6.0-7.5

Gardens Point Campus: 2 George St, Brisbane, QLD 4000
Kelvin Grove Campus: Cnr Musk and Victoria Park Rd, Kelvin Grove QLD 4059
Caboolture campus: Manley and Tallon St, Caboolture QLD 4510
♁Contact:Click Here
♁English Requirement:Bachelor, IELTS 6.0-7.0;Master, IELTS6.0-7.5
♁Official Website:QUT

2. 什麼是EAP課程?2. What is EAP course?

EAP全名為「English for Academic Purposes」,澳洲大學的英文申請門檻通常為雅思6.5分或同等層級證明,而許多人在學校成績等各項要求均符合門檻的狀態下,僅有英文分數差了臨門一腳,就能夠選讀此橋梁課程,當然英文成績已經達到的學生,一樣能選擇此課程來增進自己的英文實力!

EAP means English for Academic Purpose and it is established for students whose English levels are between IELTS 5.5 to 6.5 because most of Australian university accept applications with IELTS 6.5. However, students who have already achieved this requirement can also apply this course for improving English level in academic field.

♁課程地點:P bock, Kelvin Grove Campus (QUT International College)
♁課程長度:12 weeks
♁開課時間:March, July, October
♁課程費用:AU$ 5120 (2025)
♁入學門檻:IELTS overall 5.5
♁官網:Click Here

♁Location:P bock, Kelvin Grove Campus (QUT International College)
♁Course duration:12 weeks
♁Course starts:March, July, October
♁Tuition fee:AU$ 5120 (2025)
♁Entry requirement:IELTS overall 5.5
♁Official website:Click Here



You can easily meet students from non-English-speaking countries and see many Chinese, Asian, Brazilian and so on.



This was EAP’s course schedule and percentage of tests. Actually, it was not an easy job for non-English speakers and we also had many homework every day during that period. Class time was 8:30 to 15:00 or 16:00 except for Wednesday (until 13:00). The tests would start to be counted after week 7 and most of the students had to get 65% or 50% score to pass this course.



There are many new and useful public spaces or facilities in P block such as rest rooms, ILC library, computer rooms and so on. They also supply microwaves for students who bring lunch every day. It is so considerate!



I was so lucky to meet these two great teachers, Kay and Tim, and wonderful international students from China, Thailand, India, Brazil. We acquired useful knowledge for our faculty lives and enjoyed many delightful moments together. Wish everyone nice futures sincerely!!!

3. QUT迎新週3. QUT's Orientation Week!


There are many differences in orientation week between Taiwan’s and Australia’s. I think that students here can have more useful and practical information which include introductions of finding part time jobs or career development and so on during this week but not following some same unchangeable schedules like it in Taiwan. Furthermore, it is also a good chance for students to learn how to seize various information and develop their social networks actively!



This was an international student orientation which gave lots of useful support to us. By the way, this picture shows how much international students that QUT has… haha



During this week, I could easily join in interesting clubs and participate in official concert. It was so amazing and convenient that every student could grab the schedule of these numerous events in orientation week in one website! Nice integration!



Finally, let me share this picture of the welcoming event that Taiwanese Students Association held. We are all from the same lovely country, Taiwan!

Keep learning, keep doing, keep going!
Never forget why I am here and where I will go!


台灣人、日本女婿、定居澳洲、自由行狂熱者,有超過10年的海外生活及旅遊經驗,如果你想看更多照片、影片,歡迎追蹤我!(私信不回覆個人旅遊問題,如有問題請直接在文章下方留言) facebook instagram youtube external-link


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